A downloadable game

A global fighting tournament has just begun and some are looking to join in, whether it's for money, for glory, to prove yourself, or simply for fun. However, this tournament is hosted by the Meanie Quattuor, a dangerous crime syndicate with four prime members. Adrianus, Sylvester, Myron VI, and the king of Antarctica, Lord Blizzard.

Lord Blizzard is looking to get rid of the competition and take over the world with the rest of the syndicate, but the others in the tournament will not stand for this and some have personal conflicts with Lord Blizzard, so they will set out to fight in the tournament and take all four of the Meanie Quattuor down.


Scroll Through Characters/Alt Costumes - Left & Right Arrow Keys

Confirm Character/Alt Costume - Enter

Punch - LMB (Left Mouse Button)

Jump - Space

Move Around - WASD

Activate Omega Move - V

SFX from Zapsplat.com & Pixabay.com

Updated 6 days ago
Published 10 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorPareal Games
Tags2D, Indie, Local multiplayer, Singleplayer, Third Person
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Xbox controller, Gamepad (any), Playstation controller
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player count1 - 2
LinksGameJolt, Soundtrack

Development log

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